Spring Point

The Spring Point Wind Project is currently in development in Cumberland and Shelby County, IL. The project is proposed to be located on primarily agricultural and recreational land and is anticipated to have the ability to produce up to 350 MW of renewable power. The project is expected to host approximately 75-78 wind turbines with a potential generation capacity of between 4.3-4.5 MW each. Although a turbine supplier has not yet been selected, Cordelio expects to give preference to suppliers who manufacturer their turbines in the United States.

We are currently engaging with local landowners who may be interested in leasing their land to host portions of the project on their property. To learn more about the Spring Point wind project, or opportunities for leasing land to participate in it, please contact Lisa Bellan at 574-532-7242

Benefits of Wind Energy
Wind projects optimize land use by only requiring approximately 3/4 of an acre of land per turbine and associated access roads. Wind projects bring diversified income to local farming families, provide long-term predictable cash flows for the life of the project and increase property tax revenue to local units of government while allowing current farming practices to continue.

What is the benefit to me if I lease my land?>

Landowners will receive payments for leasing their land for the project. Payments begin based on leased acreage during the Development Term that increase over time. Upon signing a lease, you will receive your first Development Term payment based on your leased acreage and these will continue on an annual basis while we develop the project. Once project construction is complete, payments will be paid both on an acreage basis as well as depending on the infrastructure that has been installed on your property. Additionally, the agreement accounts for compensation around crop and compaction damage.

How would a turbine affect the usage of my land?

Leasing your property for the Spring Point Wind Project is expected to have little impact on your land use. As mentioned above, only a small portion of land is needed for the siting of a wind turbine and access road. Once construction is completed, the remainder of your land can continue to be used as it is currently. After construction is complete and during operations, landowners are still able to farm crops or tend to livestock on their property. At the end of the project’s life, any above-ground facilities installed on your land will be removed and the property returned to a similar condition as it was before.

Get in Touch
Land Agents
  • Lisa Bellan | 574-532-7242
Cordelio Contact
  • Brad Lila | 612-590-2586